Flag of Haiti

Haitian Christian Social Union

Social Union of Haitian Christian Evangelical Laymen of New England

Please pardon us. This website is under construcution. Not all the links work just yet.

Mission and Objectives of HCSU


HCSU's mission is to provide Christian laymen of Grater Boston with opportunities and support for fellowship, spiritual development, cultural awareness, community service, and advancement toward personal and financial success. HCSU will complement and enhance the strength of churches that serve the Haitian community as well as other Christian fellowships.


  • To recruit a membership of Haitian men and famiies that is diverse in geography, age, congregation, socio-economic status, and personal background.
  • To engage the membership to the greatest possible extent in guiding and leading HCSU, by serving on our board or working committees and contributing ideas, time, and other resources to the organization.
  • To provide varied opportunities for members and their families to share fellowship and faith.
  • To promote understanding and appreciation of Haitian history and cluture (including recogition of the achievements of Haitians in Greater Boston ) among members and the wider community.
  • To engage members in service to the neediest segments of Greater Boston's Haitian community.
  • To provide additional means for members to receive services and support to meet their needs.
  • To develop the long term financial and organizational strength and sustainability of HCSU.